Tuesday, October 6, 2009

happens every day

"Happens Every Day" by Isabelle Gillies is a memoir about her marriage ending - I actually got this on my iPod and listened instead of read the story. She describes in loving detail the domestic life that was ripped away from her - her big brick house in the college town, taking her sweet toddlers for walks around the campus, the sense of community and belonging. Her husband left her for another woman and it happened so quickly, it's riveting. I kept trying to pinpoint the moment when it was over. I kept trying to find out why. It's obviously one person's side of the story so an incomplete picture is a given. I really felt for her. It's a good choice to listen to since she is an actress and reads her own life story well.

"Bad Mother" by Aylet Waldman is an examination of modern motherhood and the traps of feeling guilty about everything. I identified with her at some parts and value her honesty. I'm a new mother and already spent great mental energy stressing over questions like - if I pick up my baby when he cries, am I making him overly dependent? if I ignore his cries, am I being selfish and neglectful? Every tiny choice you make is a step towards certain doom and ruin in someone's eyes. It's vital to learn to trust yourself and relax but it's really hard.

I liked her comparison of how she mothered her kids different based on birth order - overly doting on the first, more casual with the last ones. The writing style was annoying with footnotes sprinkled throughout. I know she's an attorney, but footnotes are too cutesey in a book of essays.

What's next - reading "Girl with Pearl Earring," maybe rereading "Jane Eyre," rereading some Elinor Lipman. Also I want to watch the Cold Mountain movie! I haven't had a chance yet.

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